Five ballets in the kitchen - Cesare Giaccone
Stampa28 pagine composte a mano con il corsivo di Nikolas Kis, fuso nelle matrici originali seicentesche, e con la cancelleresca del calligrafo rinascimentale Ferdinando Ruano, in grado di trasmettere graficamente la gioia del convivio e della buona cucina.Editore: Tallone
Dimensioni: 25x15 cmTiratura8 esemplari numerati deluxe impressi su carta Amatruda di Amalfi.Particolarità«The craft of Tallone, like that of the finest cooking, rises to the level of art. The typography is conservative, impeccable. The pamphlet, a luxury, is an object to collect, an ideal gift. To purchase a copy is to support the highest level of care and handwork». Edward Behr - THE ART OF EATINGL’editore non impiega i rapidi sistemi di composizione a tastiera monotype e linotype, spesso confusi con la tipografia manuale. Egualmente non usa composizioni digitali trasferite su matrici di plastica (fotopolimero).
ApprofondimentiCesare Giaccone di Albaretto della Torre (Langhe) – considerato dal New York Times uno dei protagonisti assoluti della cucina contemporanea – ci regala cinque nuove ricette per celebrare i piaceri del convito.Introduzione in lingua inglese di Richard D. Boardman. Seguono le ricette in lingua italiana.****PrintingFor the typographical composition by hand, two types were chosen: one is the baroque type engraved at the end of the 1600s by Nikolas Kis; and the second is the 16th-century cancelleresca by Ferdinando Ruano. Both graphically interpret the joy of conviviality and good food.Press: Tallone.
Size: 25x15 cm
Number of copies8 deluxe numbered copies printed letterpress on Amatruda paper mould-made in Amalfi.FeaturesA 28-page paper-bound signature in a separate hard cover.«The craft of Tallone, like that of the finest cooking, rises to the level of art. The typography is conservative, impeccable. The pamphlet, a luxury, is an object to collect, an ideal gift. To purchase a copy is to support the highest level of care and handwork». Edward Behr - THE ART OF EATING
Neither monotype nor linotype are used. These typesetting systems from a keyboard are often passed off as manual typography. The Tallone Press also does not print from plastic plates derived from digital compositions.
DetailsCesare Giaccone from Langhe (Piedmont) – considered by the New York Times to be one of the absolute protagonists of contemporary haute cuisine – offers us five new recipes.Foreword, in English, by Richard W. Boardman.
Five ballets in the kitchen - Cesare Giaccone